Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Golden Spice : Home remedy for cough

Those who grew up in India like me, for them turmeric(haldi) is one essential thing for cooking and base for many home remedies. For others also now a days turmeric is no more alien word. People are recognizing it's health benefits other then for getting golden yellow color in foods. Turmeric is one of nature's most powerful healer, mainly known for it's anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural antiseptic and anti-bacterial agent. Studies and research has revealed that it's proving beneficial in the treatment of many health conditions from cancer to Alzheimer's disease.

Disclaimer : I would like to tell my readers that this remedy is practiced by me & my family and we rely on this as it's been quite effective for us. If you or your child is not well, please seek the assistance of a competent health care provider. I or this blog is not responsible in any way.

Today's post is about Haldi-Shehed or in english we can call it Turmeric-Honey. Most of you must be familiar with milk with turmeric as a cough remedy but I personally really can't drink that, so arround 2 yrs. back when I came across this remedy it sounded much easier to take & beleive me it really is. I started using this remedy whenever any one in the family get those symptoms like itchy throat means onset of  cough and it really works. If you start taking it as soon the symptom starts, cough and itchy throat usually goes away in couple of days but we do continue to take it for 3-4 days. I have given it to my daughter also at the age of 6 yr. and she also takes it on regular basis during the cold weather as a precaution against cold & flu.

What U need : 
  • half a tsp. of turmeric powder/haldi (for kids 1/4 tsp. is o.k)
  • pinch of cinnamon powder(optional, it also have some healing properties plus makes the taste little better)
  • around 1 spoon of honey(or more as per taste)
What to do :
  • mix everything together and take it empty stomach first thing in the morning.
I'm sending this post as well as my earlier post on home remedies "Nuskhe Dadi Ma Ke" which is mainly for babies & kids all tried and tested in my family, to A to Z Vegetarian Cuisine for their first event : Home Remedies - Series 1

Just a News to share 
Turmeric beats gold, posts 300% returns in India
They have the same colour--yellow. And they have been the hottest commodities in India in 2009. Turmeric, the yellow spice extensively used in foods and medicines and gold, the yellow metal, that is the toast of investing public, have emerged as the hottest, competing commodities in India in 2009.

Is the low-profile agricultural commodity, turmeric, a competition to the globally most sought-after investment asset gold? Yes, in India, the simple, spicy, yellowish turmeric has beaten gold, the yellow metal, in investment returns.

While gold prices gained by nearly 35% in India, turmeric prices have risen by a whopping 300% in India in 2009.  Source:
Now I understand, why last week my Mom was saying that turmeric is getting costlier day by day.


  1. A very helpful home remedy! I didn't know that the turmeric prices have risen up...Thanks for sharing!

  2. yes...the most healty and beneficial...hmm and yes...commodities is where the investors have taken the route,obvious reason..why everything starts getting expensive

  3. Thanks for the helpful remedy just perfect for the well as the dadi ma ke nuskhe..See you at the roundup..

  4. will keep in simple effective remedy

  5. Very useful post..thanks for sharing..

  6. i am seeing more and more remedies now a days in blog world and its so nice of you all to share all those great home remedies with us

  7. Hi

    First time here.......
    LOvely blog with great recipes and good clicks...
    I esp. liked your post on homemade remedies for cough.......esp. in this winter...

  8. Thanks for your concern n you sweet words, it meant a lot to me !!

  9. Thanks so much for this info! My daughter has been complaining of a sore throat and I was out of syrup; I would much rather give her this!

  10. hey spice very nice remedy for cold n soar throat...thnx for sharing

  11. That sounds like a great remedy! I've never tried this before, I'm having a bad cough right now, so I'll try it first thing in the morning, thanks for sharing such a helpful info:)

  12. Very helpful post to everyone...Yeah, I do agree with you, home-remedies still work for me:) Turmeric and honey is better than turmeric and milk, yes there are many people who hate milk or simply lactose intolarent these days.

    Thank u so much for sharing this authentic and very useful post:)

  13. Thanks for this real good remedy...I am sure it works wonders.

  14. Spice
    I wanted to let you know my daughter has been using your home remedy and it cured her in no time! Thanks again!XOX! Joumana

  15. Thanks girls,

    @ sangeeta, no problems at all, what r friends for, any time u need to talk, your li' angel is always in my prayers...

    @ taste of beirut, I'm glad that u tried it & your daughter is already feeling better...take care..

  16. I have a asthma related cough. Don't know if it will work, but I am desperate. Is it just that one time in the morning?

  17. Hi Anonymous, there is no harm trying for it as it doesn't have any side effects and it surely will give soothing effect to throat. In case if cough is really bad I do give once before bedtime also to my family.Please do leave a message if you try & find it's helping you. Will be helpful for other readers too. Hope it helps.
